This needs to be interesting enough so that people click on the link to read the article. Some ideas:
- Grand Strategy Renderer
- Creating a Procedural Terrain
Explain what the audience can expect out of this article. Explain what you are going to explain.
How to create in OpenGL a procedural mesh that can serve as a basis for more complex grand strategy map modes.
This can be thought of as the story of the project. What are did you set out to create? What did you actually get done? What features does it have?
- explain some of the quirks of grand strategy games
- procedural terrain based on heightmap
- go into briefly what are some of the solutions for this:
- tesselation shaders
- Geo mipmapping
- Frustum Culling which can be further used with space partitioning
- texturing
- go into some texturing techniques
- simple and cheap water
- map modes
Summarize what the article has been about, future ideas for the project. Problems that you encountered that were not discussed in the body.
Basic starting point for creating a technologies that aid in creation of grand strategy games.
Future ideas:
- Tesselation shaders to generate the mesh
- Pipeline for generating procedural grand strategy worlds
- Rivers and lakes
- Foliage and cities
- Political map mode
This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.