Custom Game Engine
Showcasing the development of a cross-platform engine demo with features including particle systems, ECS architecture, inspector hierarchies, and GLTF support for 3D models.
📂 Source Code
Unfortunately, due to NDA restrictions, I am unable to share the codebase.
🛠️ Skills Developed
Cross-Platform Development: Integrated with PS5 and PC platforms using the “pimpl” technique to ensure clean separation between interface and implementation.
- Core Engine Systems: Gained hands-on experience with ECS architecture, importing 3D models, and serialization using libraries like
and cereal. ImGui Engine Windows: Utilized ImGui to create \ engine windows for managing game entities, resources, and scene data, enabling a more user-friendly interface for debugging and development tasks.
Entity Hierarchies: Managed complex entity structures and streamlined workflows via an inspector window for enhanced productivity.
- Engine Architecture: Designed a clean, extensible API to allow smooth interaction between game systems and tools.
⚙️ Key Highlights
Particle System using ECS
Particles with mass that fade over time.
Particles with no mass that transition to another color over time.
Debug Drawings
Integrated debug drawing tools that visualize velocity, and shape velocities.
Editor windows
I created an inspector, resource and scene window to allow the user interact with different systems of the engine.
Tile Editor with GLTFs
Supports resizing and transform manipulation and undo/redo system using the command pattern.